“In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.”
—Albert Szent-Györgyi, Nobel Laureate in Medicine
Our Philosophy
Our approach recognises that besides our physical bodies, we have an energy field, comprised of many layers, and energy centers, sometimes known as chakras. Chinese medicine identifies this energy as qi (or chi) running along different meridians. Qi regulates the function of our organs and its flow has a powerful effect on our emotional and mental health.
When we are at peace and balanced then our energy flows dynamically. We feel vibrantly alive. We think clearly, respond calmly and take everyday challenges in our stride. When we are out of balance, our energy flow is blocked, we feel tired, drained or experience pain. Our thinking is clouded or manic, locked into repetitive thought patterns; we have a jaundiced view of the world and are easily hurt or stressed by our interaction with life.
We believe that nothing is more important than feeling good. From a healthy, balanced state you can enjoy the miracle of your life and make your unique contribution to the community.
Becoming conscious of the impact your thoughts have on your state of wellbeing is the start of our work together. Focusing attention on thoughts that produce good feelings and updating your beliefs is the second and last part of your work. Through these two simple steps, and accessing whatever healing and coaching sessions you need from InnerDelight’s energy medicine treasure chest, you allow healing to occur, naturally.
No illness has the same cause in all people. You are unique and so the healing process is unique for each individual. At InnerDelight we offer healing and coaching sessions to restore balance and provide each client with empowering tools to manage wellbeing for good. Our work with different healing sciences identifies and employs the best methods for each individual’s restoration to perfect health. It can:
• Restore your energy when you are tired
• Strengthen your immune system
• Reduce and eliminate acute and chronic pain
• Banish long-standing pathology
• Overcome depression and uplift your spirit
• Help identify physical and emotional needs
• Access and regulate your own basic energy systems
• Increase health and resilience with a 5-minute daily routine.
About the Founder
Tina van Leuven founded InnerDelight in 2005. She has a Ph.D. in Healing Science and is qualified and experienced in many healing practices, including:
• TAT ®(Tapas Acupressure Technique)
• Zpoint
• Assemblage Point Correction
• Aura Soma
• life coaching
• aromatherapy massage
The practice of these healing modalities with her many clients has given her a deep insight into the human psyche. Her effectiveness lies in offering a combination of coaching and healing tailored to each client.
Dr Tina van Leuven, Ph.D., was born in 1968 in the Netherlands and moved to Australia with her family as a teenager. At 18 she trained in massage therapy in Perth and later ran an aromatherapy massage practice in Sydney for several years before her desire to explore and experience more took her to the USA, Canada and eventually back to Europe where she is currently based.
Her travels yielded many learning opportunities, the highlight of which was a course of study at Victoria Merkle’s Center for Energy Medicine, in San Diego California. This four-year intensive program resulted in a Ph.D. in Healing Science in 2003.
During those four years, Tina commuted internationally working for an airline while also practicing healing work at Kos Chiropractic in Connecticut. After completing her Ph.D. program in Healing Science, she returned to the Netherlands in 2004.
“My experience in a career that required practical skills balances the spiritual aspect of the life I lead. The one nurtures the other. It keeps my spiritual work very grounded, while my practical side has been guided by a constant vision of serving the greater good of others,” says Tina.
In 2005, she founded InnerDelight to empower as many people as possible through her guided healing work. Her work is to help people to reconnect with the healing power of their bodies and their own inner wisdom. The work of InnerDelight is expressed in the motto: “Experience the connection that changes everything.”